

What does intelligent automation do?

Intelligent automation is a combination of five different technologies:

  1. Robotic Process Automation
  2. Process Orchestration
  3. Cognitive Capture
  4. Advanced Analytics
  5. Mobility

Robotic process automation automates business operations tasks by interacting with business systems.

Process orchestration defines the workflow of business processes and integrates and controls all the intelligent automation components.

Cognitive capture uses artificial intelligence to extract data from documents (both physical and digital

Advanced analytics provides insights into business processes by analyzing data.

Mobility allows users to perform tasks from anywhere using mobile devices.

Here is an example of how intelligent automation can be used to improve the bank account opening process:

  1. The customer submits the account opening form and supporting documents from their mobile phone.
  2. Cognitive capture verifies the customer’s identity by comparing their selfie image to the image in their supporting documents. It also extracts the data from the supporting documents and sends it to the bank.
  3. RPA verifies the customer’s identity with background check websites without any human interaction.
  4. Advanced analytics tracks all the key data in this transaction and presents it to the bank with additional insights.
  5. Process orchestration defines and controls the entire workflow of this process, providing visibility into the process and its state.

Intelligent automation can significantly improve and streamline business processes, saving costs and time by reducing human interventions. It can also help to improve customer satisfaction by providing a faster and more efficient experience.

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